About DFI

Discover how the Digital Frontiers Initiative, led by the OPIM Department in the UConn School of Business, pioneers the fusion of technology and business to shape the future of operations and information management.


Our mission is to empower individuals and organizations by providing comprehensive training in IT, business analytics, and emerging technologies. We strive to foster a culture of continuous learning and innovation, offering a blend of academic excellence, professional development opportunities, and experiential learning to cultivate the next generation of leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators.

Four panelists sitting on stage discussing important business topics

Infinity symbol graphic representing the DFI vision of excellence in workforce development industry partnership and academic research.


Our vision is to become a beacon of excellence in workforce development, industry partnership, and academic research by creating a dynamic ecosystem where cutting-edge training in IT, business analytics, and emerging technologies catalyzes professional growth, fosters innovative collaborations between academia and industry, and propels forward-thinking research. Through this holistic approach, we envision shaping an inclusive community of skilled professionals, visionary leaders, and pioneering researchers, all contributing to the advancement of technology and analytics.

Meet our Leadership Team

Meet the leaders behind the transformation of the CT Information Technology Institute, bringing you new opportunities in the areas of workforce development, industry partnerships, and academic research. Driving innovation and efficiency with the merger of CITI, CABA (Center for Advancement in Business Analytics) and Innovate Labs under the new Digital Frontiers Initiative. Connect with UConn students and faculty by bringing DFI to your organization!

Portrait of Jon Moore

Jon Moore

Executive Director

OPIM Instructor In-Residence

Jonathan leads the institute with the focus on the innovate labs, experiential learning, and micro-credential efforts, ensuring a seamless integration of research and practical applications.

Portrait of Jennifer Eigo

Jennifer Eigo

Associate Director

OPIM Instructor In-Residence

Jennifer focuses on building partnerships that benefit both the academic and business communities.

Portrait of Wei Chen

Wei Chen

Academic Director

OPIM Associate Professor

Wei oversees the academic aspects of the institute, with a focus on bridging academia and industry through innovative research initiatives.